Monday, March 3, 2008

We had a family day yesterday. We took the kids to the Ocoee River Park and then went to get ice cream. We had a great time! I've included some photos and will try to get more up soon.
The first two are of the kids and I and then a new belly shot.
This is one of Shawn and the kids throwing rocks in the river and then one of Shawn trying to ride Ben's scooter.

Ben took his scooter and tried it out for the first time. Natalie took her tricycle. She got very upset when Ben tried to ride her tricycle. She actually chased him and tried to pull him off! Notice that in the photo of the sign, you can see her under it, holding on to the tricycle with all of her might.


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic blog you have here, mate! I came across it in your signature line on an e-mail you posted to the local FreeCycle group.

I hope you don't mind, but I've listed your blog as a favorite and mentioned it in my own blog here, Stalking Happiness. What a great resource you have here for those of us who want to live a greener life but thought it was too difficult to accomplish! Thanks so much and I look forward to more posts from you here. (*^_^*)

Paul and Jennifer said...

I love the pictures Robyn!