Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Look what we woke up to this morning! It was a rough night...we had bad storms and the weather radio went off about 12 times. There were tornado watches (and even a warning!) all around us but thankfully we "only" had thunderstorm warnings for this area. The creek behind the house flooded its banks and TWO big trees fell down across our driveway. The kids had a ball climbing on the downed just to figure out a way to get them out of our driveway!

1 comment:

stormydawn said...

She is just too adorable!

The gingerbread house/shack was cute! It looks like fun, too.

I think maybe you have to refrigerate the icing to make it more like a paste, just for future reference... but I've never made a gingerbread house before. That's the trick with making icing flowers keep their shape, though.